Statement of Faith
We believe that the Holy Bible is the inspired Word of GOD. We believe in the Trinity; God the father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We believe God Created the heavens and the earth. We believe that, because Adam sinned, we were all born sinners and we need a savior. We believe that God sent his only begotten Son JESUS CHRIST to save man from the penalty of sin. We believe that Jesus was born of a Virgin Mary. We believe that Jesus was and still is sinless. We believe in the two ordinances that Jesus left the Church Before he died, (Baptism & the Lord’s Supper). We believe that Jesus Died according to the scriptures. We believe that he was buried according to the scriptures. We believe that he rose again according to the scriptures. We believe that Jesus sent us a comforter (Holy Spirit). We believe in eternal security for the believer. We believe that whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. I believe that this same Jesus will rapture out his church before the tribulation. We believe after the tribulation Jesus will return to the earth to bind Satan for 1000 Years and to set up his kingdom for a period of 1000 years. We believe that after 1000 years Satan will be loosed for a season, and then will be cast into the Lake of fire. We believe after Satan is cast into the lake of fire Jesus will judge the living and the dead. We believe after this judgment we will reign with Jesus forever and ever Amen.
Pastor Derrick D. Watkins

About the Pastor
Pastor Derrick Watkins loves sharing and spreading the Good news of Jesus Christ and he believes a Spirit Filled Pastor must have a heart to help others grow spiritually and naturally. Most importantly, he affirms that we must “Live” the Word. God touched Pastor Derrick Watkins’ heart to plant a church on the east side of Flint Michigan.
Pastor Derrick Watkins has been preaching and teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ since 2008. He severed as associate Minister at First Trinity Missionary Baptist Church for 14 yrs. under the Late Dr. FO Hockenhull visionary leadership. Pastor Derrick Watkins later became Interim Pastor at First Trinity Missionary Baptist Church after the late Dr. FO Hockenhull passed away in 2013.
Pastor Derrick Watkins was called upon to counsel, visit the hospitals and nursing homes, and visit the sick, conduct water baptism, an Eulogized services. Pastor Derrick Watkins taught Wednesday Night Bible Study, Sunday School, Preached at the Midwest Region Young People Conference, and served as Co-leader of the Evangelism Ministry for Young People Department at First Trinity MB Church. Pastor Derrick Watkins taught Sunday School, and the Young Males in the Great Lakes Baptist District Association.
Pastor Watkins served as Executive Board Representative of Central Baptist Church. He is affiliated with the Genesee Baptist Association, and Southern Baptist Convention. Pastor Derrick D. Watkins attended Destiny College International, Flint Bible Institute, American Council on Education, and National Electrical Construction Association in which he received his license as a Master Electrician. Pastor Derrick Watkins was recognized for volunteering at the Wellness Aids Service Center, Career Day for the Boys & Girls of Flint Community Schools and Grand Bland Academy, and at Community Outreach to repair Senior Citizens homes.
Pastor Watkins is faithful and devoted to serving the Lord as he helps people apply the timeless truths of scripture to their everyday lives. His belief is to fulfill the call of the Lord on uplifting and growing the Kingdom of GOD. Even with his many obligations, Pastor Watkins is married to his wife Christine and they have two children and four grandchildren.